Graphic Design Certificate Programs

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QuarxPress is a graphics layout program. It allows the user to create flyers, newsletters, brochures, and magazines. It is primarily used by publishing and typesetting companies.

Adobe Photoshop

Adobe Phostoshop is a graphics program which allows the user to manipulate photos. You can scan photos into photoshop. You can edit photos such as changing the color of items or erasing items. Photshop can be used to create graphics to be placed in Internet Web sites.

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe Illustrator allows the user to create illustrations on the computer. These illustrations can be used standalone or transferred to a layout program like QuarkXpress.

Adobe PageMaker

Adobe Pagemaker is a graphics program which allows the user to manipulate photos. You can scan photos into photoshop. You can edit photos such as changing the color of items or erasing items. Photshop can be used to create graphics to be placed in Internet Web sites.